March 19, 2009


I have decided to change my blog into something that's actually useful. Not only am I boring myself with stories about my life or my opinions on unimportant things, I am also sucking myself into the deep pits of reliving every day when a day should, in my eyes, only be lived once. So what am I going to do with this beautiful 43-character url that's all mine?

Every day I live I get inspired by words, photo's, songs and films. I collect them. I keep them neatly tucked away in a folder named 'inspiration'. It's time to share my inspiration. Inspiring to me are people who make me awe at (and envy a little) the way they put a certain atmosphere, feeling or moment in time into words. Who make you feel like you were there and you felt the way they felt. I'm also inspired by certain fashion (I want that) , interior design (I need to find that), lifestyle (I didn't know that) and art (I wish I could make that).
I'm inspired by dreamers, achievers, fighters, thinkers and overal bright, sunny, independent people. Individuals with their own perception of how life should be and who live each day doing the things they love.

I am going to fill my blog with these things, thoughts and people that inspire me. A good example (and perhaps first entry) is the poem my blogname was extracted from.