February 17, 2009

Rockin' Rappers

A miracle has happened and i found out about it just a few minutes ago. Lil Wayne his latest single is GOOD! It came out late 2008 but i've only just heard it for the first time. Woa. Lil Wayne + amazing single = what happened? Here's the thing: he teamed up with Kevin Rudolf. i don't know the guy, apparantly he's a producer for Kevin Lyttle, T.I. and Kanye West (immediately explains why i've never heard of him). Nevertheless: i like his debut single. i do advise you check the lyrics of the song. it seems like they both wrote their own part of the song and then mixed it together. it's like i would team up with someone who only writes lYk tis y'no jst 2 wrd lol. Very odd.

February 04, 2009

Angels and Devils

Hairdressers. They have been the subject of my fear for years. Every time I've ever gotten a haircut, they managed to cut both my fringe and the rest of my hair too short for my liking. Put a ghost in my room, that's alright; send me to the dentist, fine; get me a new hair cut, noooo way.

Yesterday I figured was the perfect day for some drastic changes. My horoscope (daily mail shizzle) said Deep, significant and radical changes are coming your way. Don't fear them.

My reaction: Radical changes, yeah baby! Let's add some Marilyn Monroe to my Kate Moss-blonde coupé. Three hours later I returned to my home, looking like a lighthouse.

Fair enough.

I now know every single joke there is about people with red hair. It was a nice change from the blonde-jokes...
"I spy with my little eye something that's orange, white and green."
- "The Irish Flag!"
"No...." *puts on a devillish grin and glances over at me*

However, since orange really hadn't been my goal, I went back to ask for a jar of bleach today. They looked at my bright orangy haircolour and decided (group decision) that it wasn't blonde. Yeah. 12.03PM, bright moment! Anyway, I spent another two hours reading 1984 with a black-haired woman staring at me in awe.


Thirty pages later, I was blonde.
The girl who dyed my hair now has a new slogan on her business card.
Changing devils to angels in under two hours!
Thank you, thank you very much.

February 02, 2009

Sid and Nancy

Sid&Nancy... Kurt&Courtney... Amy&Blake. Selfdestructive people always manage to find each other. Sid and Nancy are the best example. A violent punker and a heroin addicted groupie find each other somehow and fall madly in love.

They are absorbed by their failing carreers and drug-addiction and resign into a small and filthy bedroom at the Hotel Chelsea. Nancy dies in the bathroom after being stapped once in the abdomen, nobody knows who did it and Sid lacks any memory of that night. He himself dies less than four months later after overdosing on heroin. A tragic and morbid story Shakespeare would have had troubles coming up with. This is living fast and dying young put into practice. There's a very small chance anyone will be able to achieve accomplishment of the motto better than Sid&Nancy did. That's that. Congratulations. Don't try this at home kids.