December 28, 2009


I get the feeling my dog doesn't even like Christmas...

So, I had lost my phone...
I'd just had a Christmas gathering with people from work and I was walking home with my best friend. We had to walk because it had been snowing for the past five days and driving your bike would simply be an attempted suicide. We'd just crossed the halfway mark when I realised I'd lost my phone. I asked my friend to call me. Maybe it was somewhere in a hidden pocket in my bag... you never know. She was ringing me and I was intently listening if I'd hear something that would betray my phone's hiding place, when suddenly someone answered my phone. I thought: yay someone at the party must've found it. My friend hung up and said: "Some guy found your phone... he sounded pretty drunk but I don't think we know him. I told him to meet us at the square at town's centre."
So we ran back. Once arrived at the square we didn't see anyone except for some drunken people in front of the cafes. We rang my phone again and suddenly noticed someone walking up to the square with something flashy in his hand. It was him. Indeed, he was very, very drunk and beside my phone he'd also found an eyeball that lights up when you chuck in onto the ground. He asked us if we'd like to have it.
No thanks.
Then, completely out of nowhere, the guy, who we'd decided to call Ed... as that's the perfect name for anyone who can be brilliant and drunk at the same time, said: "Ohh I remember where I was going!"
and he just left...
Thank you, Ed, for saving the day! December 22nd will always be Ed-day.