September 06, 2009

"What if you could fly? Where would you go?"
This question has been asked so many times to so many different people and still, no one has ever given a seriously considered answer. You usually get something like "Hawaii"(sure), "the girls' locker room" (FLYING, not invisibility), "To somewhere far away" (like iraq?) or "New Zealand" (Good answer, I've seen Lord of the Rings so I can sympathize with that).
Thinking the question over needs a little time, which, I know very well, is something most journalists don't have and most interviewees don't want to give them. Still, like, really... what would you answer if you could really fly to that place right this second. I wouldn't pick New Zealand.. I can tell you that much.
Pézenac, the place I made these photographs, might be a good destination when your head feels cluttered and confused.